
Showing posts from December, 2011

Happy Gotcha Day - Two Years ago !

Two years ago we were handed a beautiful, sweet little baby girl.  And the adventure began. Maggie and I watched her Gotcha Day video today and she was a little unsure of it all. She told me baby Maggie was sick and sad. Our little baby girl is getting so big now and the changes in her are ENORMOUS !  When we first met Maggie, she could not use her hands, walk, talk, communicate, look us in the eye, play with toys. Nothing.  We love you so much. You are a brave and captivating little girl with so much life and love to give. Happy Gotcha Day Maggie !

December Catch Up.

We do daily Bible readings after dinner every night. Right now we are using M'Cheyne's Calender For Daily Readings as a guide. Generally, we clean up the dinner table and head to the living room. Maggie's job is to pass out the Bibles ( she takes her job very seriously - she loves doing this). Then we all take turns reading verses, except for Maggie of course.  She likes to sit by her brothers and pretend to read.  This night she read her Bible with a purple bucket on head. Why not ? Colorful markers + plain paper = hours of quiet  fun ! Maggie loved helping me wrap presents this year.  She really is starting to understand Christmas and she loved playing with the presents and ornaments. The boys and Maggie made a box house with a telescope .  Such a simple toy that brought lots of smiles and fun.  I think the fact that Maggie is half-dressed added to the fun too !

Kids Having Fun With Grandparents..


Big Milestone !

We're celebrating ! Because Maggie is potty trained !!! For reals.  I started potty training Maggie way back in the summer, but I was not consistent at all.  So, I kind of gave up.  Then, Maggie started a new school and her teacher is known as the "potty whisperer".  Seriously. She is known to magically transform little ones from diapers to potty in just a week. And so she did. It took about a week for her to start going potty. She is even sleeping in her big girl panties - no pull ups - and no accidents at night. We are all so proud of her !  I think Maggie is pretty proud of herself too !