
Showing posts from November, 2012

S'more Please !

  M aggie and I love to make sweet treats and our favorite one to make is very simple and yummy.   I  always have S'more  ingredients on hand: Graham Crackers Milk Chocolate chips  Marshmallows T hank you, Maggie, for being such a great model ! W e seriously make these everyday in the oven on broil.  I think I need an intervention. Yum Yum !!!

We Are Thankful.

  T his year has been a year of blessings and thankfulness.   W e are Thankful that Maggie's heart is functioning great and her BAHA surgery went well.   W e are thankful Maggie is talking in complete sentences and recently tested in the "average to above average" in language and communication.   W e are thankful we said yes to adopting a "special needs" baby girl from China.   W e are thankful for two amazing boys that love their little sister so much.   W e are thankful for kind and sweet children that love the Lord and Honor their parents.   And now we thank you, Our God, and praise your glorious name. I CHRONICLES 29:13

The Watch

  M aggie turned four years old on October 29th !!  We celebrated over several days with some small gifts and lots of cake. The only thing she asked for was a new watch.   S ince she's been into Cowboys lately ( YEE HAW ), we gave her a cute cowboy watch with horses on it.   M aggie loves watches !!! And she was so smitten with this one. Until , a couple of days later she asked for another watch - a spider man watch ! How funny.  She changes her mind about things about as much as I do !  

We Survived the Fall Crazies !

  I t seemed that we were never home this fall. Maggie started Ballet and she loves it !  She has the sweetest teacher that she absolutely adores and looks up to.  Our little girl can do a tondo and a releve   ( for all you ballet people).   Maggie also had the first of two surgeries for her BAHA placement ( hearing aid). The surgeon drilled a 4 mm hole in her skull and   placed a "screw". We go back in five months for Maggie's second surgery that will enable her BAHA hearing aid to snap onto her skull. She did great and her doctor said that her skull was nice and thick - yippee !!   W ill played an awesome season as wide receiver for the Falcons.  He had practice two times a week and played a game one time a week, so football kept us very busy !!  He also read Tim Tebows biography ( which is incredibly good) and was challenged in many ways.   W alker played soccer for his school and did a lot of traveling with his team for out of town games. He practiced two times a week