
Showing posts from March, 2013

First Day of Spring !


Update on Abigail. She has a mommy and daddy !!

  G od is so good and I am beyond amazed at his timing ! A family has said YES ! to Abigail. She has a mommy and daddy !! As soon as they receive their PA ( PRIOR APPROVAL) I will share their blog and you can meet this exceptional, sweet and wonderful family. They have already adopted three times from China and have a beautiful large family ( love !). A little background: They had been praying about adopting again from China and specifically an older  child with Down Syndrome. When they saw Abigail's story on my blog they asked their agency to find her file and started praying.  I wanted to share part of the e mail I got from this sweet family : " I am over the moon with JOY!  I can hardly believe how God has answered my prayers of the past weeks for Abigail.  I did not ask, nor plead... I only prayed!  God is SOOOO good!  Abigail already has a Daddy that cries when he says her name!  (Although we call her Abby around here!) :-)    Our agency has already pulled her file from t