Happy Birthday Walker.

We are so blessed to have two children now with October birthdays.  Walker will be ten years old on the 13th and Maggie will be two years old on the 29th.  So, this year we had one big birthday party with family to celebrate two very special birthdays. Walker also had a friend birthday party on friday to make his tenth birthday even more special.
He about drove us crazy asking to open one of his presents early.  He won ! A D-S game he had been dreaming about from his Nin and Pappa. 

Walker is my social child. He loves to have friends over. He was in "Walker Heaven" on Friday when lots of his friends came over after school to hang out and play football in the back yard.
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Happy Birthday Walker.   Your life shines with JOY and CONFIDENCE.  We are so proud of you and think you are wonderful ! It is exciting to be on the front row of your life, watching to see you grow in Godly wisdom and maturing right before our eyes.
