Christmas Cards.

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I am not sure where you are from, but in the South, we send Christmas cards.  Not just any cards mind you.  We send Christmas Cards with pictures of our children ( usually dressed in their Christmas best, beach family photos, or even cute poses with funny Christmas hats).  The cards are wonderful gifts that we love to get in the mail.  It is so fun to walk to the mailbox during the month of December.  Will I get a card from my college roommate and see how big her children are now ?  Or will it be my sweet nieces from Birmingham all dressed in their matching outfits ? 

We display our cards in a card tree during December, then they go in THE BASKET after Christmas.  The Basket holds all the past and present Christmas cards for us to go through all year long and look at.  The boys love to sit by the fire and rummage through it, looking for pictures of their friends and family and seeing  how they have changed over the years.

Our favorite cards to send are simple photo cards like this one or this one or this one.  OK, Shutterfly has too many cute ones, it will be hard to pick this year.

Oh, and send me a Christmas card this year.  We love them and we don't throw them away either !

Go here To get 50 Christmas cards free from Shutterfly.
