Adoption Paperwork.

I am still doing adoption paper work one year later.

In the state of Alabama, you have to apply through your local courthouse to re-adopt.  The re-adoption will then allow us to get Maggie an Alabama birth certificate.

Personally, I think it is crazy to have to re-adopt my child that is fully adopted and fully my child. Crazy !!!

But, since I am at the mercy of this insane governmental laws right now, I spent most of the day yesterday doing paperwork and gathering the necessary forms so that we can re- adopt our already adopted daughter.

I was told you don't have to have a lawyer in order to re adopt in Alabama.  So, I just did all the work myself.

I figure if I can put a Dossier together for China, I can fill out a couple of forms.  And I did.  It was pretty easy and the clerk at the courthouse said it looked fine.  So, I am not sure why some people use a lawyer and spend hundreds of dollars ?  Let's pray I did everything right and we will not have to hire a lawyer.

Now for some pictures.  Merry Christmas !
