One Year Post Placement

 In 30 minutes our social worker wil be here to complete our one year post placement adoption paper work that must go to China. 

One year?  Does time really go by that fast ?

Almost one year ago, we met our beautiful daughter.  She was a shell of a baby, unable to use her hands, she had no language or communication, no desire to eat,  no hearing, and no concept of love. 

She had many signs of being in an institution (self soothing) - looking at hands constantly, rocking back and forth, wierd rolling of her eyes and head banging.  And oh ! How we loved her at first sight !

And so began the loving and nurturing of Maggie.

Also lots of therapy, hearing aids, prayer and time.  One year.  Our baby is so different now.  So special and so sweet. 

Ok, I'll have to finish this later...the door bell is ringing.
