I've Missed You.

Well Hello there. It seems I've been a little busy, much too busy to blog lately.  But I miss it

I still follow blogs and I've watched many families go to China and meet their little baby girls, go to doctor appointments and schedule surgeries.  I love reading about their journey and I have missed writing about mine.
Even my boys miss it.

So, I have a lot to get caught up on.

It a nutshell this is what we've been doing : studying for tests, going to football practice, Chuck and I went to the Lady Antebellum Concert, getting ready for our spring break camping trip to the beach, reading The Hobbit to the boys at night, buying spring and summer clothes for kids and lots of pretty dresses for Maggie, work, family dinners and bible time, bike rides with Maggie, speech therapy, watching Maggie continue to make leaps and bounds in her speech and everything else, and re-decorating with white/ neutrals.

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