Life is Good.
Every now and then Life slows down and we all go outside and just play. That's when I grab my camera and try to get that all elusive group picture. I think I snapped a pretty good one this time - everyone looking at the camera with decent fake smiles.
Our sweet Maggie looks so grown up here. She LOVES being outside playing with her brothers. I look at her with wonder most of the time. She is an amazing girl and I feel so blessed to be her mom. She makes people smile the biggest smile and is a living, breathing testimony of Redemption.
When Walker was just a little baby crawling around I knew that he needed a brother close in age to him. Will was born when Walker was just 22 months old. What a blessing these two brothers are to each other. I remember how hard it was when they were little and I had two in diapers and two little energetic boys running around making messes. Now, they just go outside and play football or soccer together. I think it's important that moms of little boys know that it won't always be so hard. One day they will grow up and not need you so much...sniff,sniff.
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