Life is Good.

Every now and then Life slows down and we all go outside and just play.  That's when I grab my camera and try to get that all elusive group picture. I think I snapped a pretty good one this time -  everyone looking at the camera with decent fake smiles. 

We were so blessed to have Walker serenade us with his tuba while we played.

Our sweet Maggie looks so grown up here. She LOVES being outside playing with her brothers. I look at her with wonder most of the time. She is an amazing girl and I feel so blessed to be her mom.  She makes people smile the biggest smile and is a living, breathing testimony of Redemption.

When Walker was just a little baby crawling around I knew that he needed a brother close in age to him. Will was born when Walker was just 22 months old. What a blessing these two brothers are to each other. I remember how hard it was when they were little and I had two in diapers and two little energetic boys running around making messes. Now, they just go outside and play football or soccer together. I think it's important that moms of little boys know that it won't always be so hard. One day they will grow up and not need you so much...sniff,sniff.
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Maggie's shoe love may be a little out of control. I'll have to post a picture of her fall shoe line-up.  She's been into high heels lately and she wants a pink bra too !
