Showing posts from December, 2010
December Speech Update
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Doesn't she look so big in the pictures ? Now for the update : 1. S ign Languag e: It is somewhat controversial to teach a hearing impaired child sign language when that child has the ability to hear through hearing aids. One of the thoughts behind this is that a hearing impaired child will tend to hold on to signing and will not want to use their voice. A non hearing impaired child will drop the sign language easily and talk.( I am sure there is a ton of research and info out on this topic and I am just skirting the issue.) So we had a decision to make a while back - to teach Maggie sign language or not. Her Auditory/verbal teacher felt Maggie had just as much ability to speak as she did to sign. But, she left the decision up to us and also Maggie is not your typical child. She has other issues: orphanage,severe lack of stimulation as a baby and developmental delays due to orphanage....
Reading To Maggie.
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You may have tangible wealth untold: Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold. Richer than I you can never be - I had a mother who read to me. -Strickland Gillilan "The Reading Mother" Maggie loves books. Well, love doesn't even to begin to describe her relationship with books. She needs books, craves them. I spend hours everyday just rocking Maggie and reading her books. The picture above is a stack of books I read her this morning. She signs please-more after each book. Her little fingers point to the pictures and she loves to know the names of things and the sounds they make. I ask her to point to animals,apples,colors,shapes and she knows exactly what I am talking about. She knows so much, I believe, because of books. Her mind is a sponge right now, taking in everything and learning so much lately. She even wants to sleep with her books and reads them when she eats. Even though Maggie is not yet talking up a storm, her receptive language (the listening and underst...
Adoption Paperwork.
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I am still doing adoption paper work one year later. In the state of Alabama, you have to apply through your local courthouse to re-adopt. The re-adoption will then allow us to get Maggie an Alabama birth certificate. Personally, I think it is crazy to have to re-adopt my child that is fully adopted and fully my child. Crazy !!! But, since I am at the mercy of this insane governmental laws right now, I spent most of the day yesterday doing paperwork and gathering the necessary forms so that we can re- adopt our already adopted daughter. I was told you don't have to have a lawyer in order to re adopt in Alabama. So, I just did all the work myself. I figure if I can put a Dossier together for China, I can fill out a couple of forms. And I did. It was pretty easy and the clerk at the courthouse said it looked fine. So, I am not sure why some people use a lawyer and spend hundreds of dollars ? Let's pray I did everything right and we w...
One Year Post Placement
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In 30 minutes our social worker wil be here to complete our one year post placement adoption paper work that must go to China. One year? Does time really go by that fast ? Almost one year ago, we met our beautiful daughter. She was a shell of a baby, unable to use her hands, she had no language or communication, no desire to eat, no hearing, and no concept of love. She had many signs of being in an institution (self soothing) - looking at hands constantly, rocking back and forth, wierd rolling of her eyes and head banging. And oh ! How we loved her at first sight ! And so began the loving and nurturing of Maggie. Also lots of therapy, hearing aids, prayer and time. One year. Our baby is so different now. So special and so sweet. Ok, I'll have to finish this later...the door bell is ringing.